Saturday, November 10, 2007

Health Diet

Monsanto’s genetically engineered Roundup Ready sugar beets were deregulated by USDA in 2005. Back then, the sugar market rejected GE sugar, but times have apparently changed. GE sugar beets will be going into commercial production across the west in 2008. Farmers, gardeners, seed and food producers are being sought who are concerned about the entrance of GE sugar beets into the fields, sugar market, and super market, to voice their opinion on this very important matter.

Contact Kevin Golden, staff attorney for Center for Food Safety, to share your concern and potentially get involved in challenging GE sugar beets

This is NUTRITIONAL STRESS and creates effects of stress of the likes we can only imagine now. Genetic engineered foods will continuing creating unintended consequences.

Dr Peter Lind
Health Diet

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Nervous Breakdown Symptoms Stress

What causes the steps towards the breakdown of stress? It is a progression; it doesn't just happen.

I had two observations that might help explain some of this.

Just yesterday I was sitting outside in the sun for an hour and half at the coffee shop on a beautiful November, I decided to go get my car tires rotated.

When I got to the tire shop I began watching people and noticed right away tha the male customers were ALL overweight. They were at the counter bouncing bellies at each other, I thought: "how did this happen? Did it start last week, last summer, or last year, or did it accumulate over the last 5 years?"

While I was observing and opining to myself, someone outside squeeled their back car tires. It wasn't a quick "get out in traffic" squeel. It was a "look at my car" squeel.

At that, all the employees of the tire shop erupted into applause; one said "ca-ching, ca-ching," another said: "see you next summer."

Two points:

1.The tire squeeler fast-tracked his way (I assume male) to the point of BREAKDOWN. The more squeels, the faster he's going to approach breakdown.

2. The fat men in the tire shop are fast-tracking their way to ill-health.

In both cases they both are pushing past balanced levels.

All this in the tire shop.

Dr Peter Lind
Nervous Breakdown Symptoms Stress

Friday, November 2, 2007

Stress Types

We all know about the three types of stress: physical, nutritional, and emotional. But we must come to grips that there are many more stress types.

and all the other "minor" stress types: relational, occupational, spiritual, financial...

So how does one deal with all these kinds of stress? Like in the sport of bowling, when you hit the kingpin just right, all the other pins fall as well. In dealing with stress, when the MAJOR areas of stress are addressed, many of the minor ones become non-issues.

Here is a link to Stress Types.

Dr Peter Lind