Friday, April 11, 2008

Coping with Stress

How do you cope with stress when you're right in the middle of it?

Million dollar question because if you can't you might not make it through the stress. Learning how to cope with stress has to happen right now. You must recognize what the signs are and notice when you've had too much.

Then you have to know how to deal with it. How do you do that? That is what takes time and attention to the matter.

For more information go to Coping with Stress

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Reduce Stress

Three Ways to Reduce Stress

On a rainy Saturday in February I fell off a four-foot high truck flat on my back onto concrete. Now this isn’t something I do everyday as a chiropractor, nor do I recommend you do it if you have nothing better to do, even if you are a thrill seeker.

I laid still for a moment and thought: “This really hurts and I wonder if I can get up.”

I rocked back and forth to gain moment and used the old power-up-the-legs trick and got to my feet. Now what I noticed was that I could stand relatively straight except I was bent to the left. When I even thought about moving to the right I had a sharp pain in my left kidney area, and I thought that I had blown my left kidney to tiny pieces.

There were a number of people around and you know what you do when you trip in public: “Oh, I’m okay. I’m a little bruised but I’m really okay.” It’s embarrassing but I had no shame.

My son put his arm around me just to check in and I said I’d be alright. As the day continued I didn’t feel too bad except when I moved to the right. Pain seared into my exploded left kidney. Now I don’t know how long it takes for blood to collect in the urine but I checked regularly and didn’t notice any the rest of the day.

That evening I had my wife go to my office and get my cold laser and I began lasering myself an hour at a time, directly over my left kidney. That night was a fairly miserable night trying to sleep.

The next day I was still in pain, again, when I moved to the right side. I kept up lasering and added a barrage of nutritional supplements, and I also began clearing myself with a chiropractic technique I just had learned. I moved stiff and guarded.

The next day I went to my office and someone thought I’d better X-ray myself. I did and that’s when I discovered two broken pieces of vertebrae near my left kidney.

That was it. I cancelled the next few days, took my laser and a few more bottles of nutrition with me and went home. I began a course of taking care of myself; lasering and nutritional supplements to fuse the bone tissue for 4-6 hours a day.

By Friday, 6 days later, I went back to work a full day. Little pain but not too bad. I was in rapid healing and continued the protocol I had begun. Now, one month later, I have full range of motion and don’t even realize I had a problem. There never was blood in the kidney so I don’t think it exploded. It was fun to say it was though.

The point: take care of yourself now because you never know what and when something will happen to you.

Three ways to deal with physical stress:
1. Make sure your body is in good muscular shape. Do you exercise regularly? Better start.
2. Make sure you tissues have a good supply of nutrients. Are you eating as good as you could and do you ingest whole food supplements?
3. Make sure you can develop an appropriate healing attitude. How’s yours?

Stress will come at you, no doubt about it. Have you prepared yourself for it? What will you do when it becomes too great? This lesson from falling off the truck is all about doing the things now so when the stress hits you may have a fighting chance to get through it.

For my stress manual go to Reduce Stress

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Stress of Medicine

Vaccinations are the injections of foreign and inert materials into the body bypassing the natural barriers. Natural immunity is an innate response. Why does medicine think they know what the body needs?

Vaccinations are just another body stress. What what will happen in few years to the health of people as the number of vaccinations increases!

The rest of this article is found at:

"US Government Concedes That Mercury Causes Autism"

* Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?
The Huffington Post, February 25, 2008
Straight to the Source

After years of insisting there is no evidence to link vaccines with the onset of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the US government has quietly conceded a vaccine-autism case in the Court of Federal Claims.

Go to Body Stress for more information

Friday, February 29, 2008

Stress Relief

Stress relief is also about avioding certain things/events/people that cause you stress.

Three weeks ago I fell 4 feet onto concrete and broke two vertebrae. Before I could think I was up and around, although in quite the pain. It wasn't until I took an X-ray of myself that I discovered the fractures. I decided right then, two days later, that I ought to get off my feet and rest.

By resting for a few days, and of course cold laser 3-6 hours a day, and more nutritional supplements than usual, I was back to a full day at the office less than one week later.

My lesson: do what you need to do now so later things will be better.

Here for more stress relief

Monday, January 28, 2008

Stress Reduction

Stress Reduction

Physical stress reduction involves such things as using deep breathing. Breathing a deep diaphragmatic breath increases oxygen supply and causes the core body muscles to relax.

Nutritional stress reduction involves using nutrients that bring vitamins and minerals to the stressed organs. One of particular mention are the adrenal glands. These tiny glands are the front runners of stress and when they are overworked like most people, blood pressure goes up, heart beat increases, and the rest of the body goes into chronic stress mode.

Emotional stress reduction involves many types of work. One is recognizing what the offending stress is. Once it is identified emotional stress management approaches can be made. Alternative approaches can be made to handle the stressful event, person, or memory.

Stress reduction can include many types with many solutions.

Dr Peter Lind

stress reduction

Monday, January 14, 2008

Stress Effects

Show a person with effects and I'll show you a person with some kind of stress.

In other words, stress causes every effect or symptom you have. Stress causes heart problems, skin problems, adrenal and organ problems. Stress puts pressure on your entire body. Sleep is affected. Rest is affected. Work and recreation is affected by stress.

Reduce stress and your health will improve and your life will improve.

Dr Peter Lind is a chiropractor using Kinesiology along with other newly developed procedures and protocols to remove the affects of stress on the body.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Stress Health

How stress affects health is the largest challenge facing health care. Not in the sense of mental emotional stress but in the kinds of ways all types of stress affect health.

Meaning: there are at least 6 kinds of stress that affect health. Every one of them can influence health to the degree that it causes illness, disease, and death.

To manage these types of stress is to manage and improve health.

At least manage the BIG THREE: mental/emotional stress, physical stress, and nutritional stress. Get control on these and you can create health and well-being in your life.

Dr Peter Lind
stress health