Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Symptoms of Stress

Some of the most bizarre symptoms of stress happen when you don't expect it. Your face flushes red. Your lip pops out a cold sore. Sweat pours off your face and body in less than five seconds. Your heart pounds like a tiger is chasing you and you're not even moving.

How does this all happen in a matter of seconds with or without a prominant source of stress?

This is what a powerful affect of stress is--a reaction by your body to a threat of stress. Your body is doing what it is supposed to do--react to the stressful situation. The problem comes in when this response to stress continues long after the threat of stress is removed.

High blood pressure. Fatigue. Insomnia. Muscle weakness. Heart racing. Shallow breathing. Indigestion.

Actually, list any symptom you want. It is related to one of the three kinds of stress:Physical, Nutritional, and Emotional.

Why would you medicate a symptom of stress? Find the cause of stress and see if it is appropriate? Fix the cause, don't cover up the symptom.

Dr Peter Lind

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


High Blood Pressure Causes

Why doesn’t anyone ever want to know what causes high blood pressure? Why are we so quick to take high blood pressure medication without asking: “Why is my blood pressure high in the first place?”

If we know why it is high maybe we can REDUCE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE NATURALLY!

Don’t you think high blood pressure is caused by STRESS? You are exactly right—but what KIND of stress? There are many kinds of stress and many causes of high blood pressure.

Click here to find out all the HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE CAUSES!

Peter Lind


Friday, October 19, 2007

Main Cause of Stress

Life’s pressures produce internal reactions in our subconscious of which we are totally unaware. This we call stress. Think about stress as the response of the body to any demand made upon it. This is the main cause of stress. Bear in mind that there are three causes of stress: PHYSICAL, NUTRITIONAL and EMOTIONAL.

Here we are only dealing with emotional stress.

We are all under pressure. We all have internal reactions to those pressures and all of us will have physical symptoms in response to those inner feelings. This leads to Defense. We become defensive. Defense is good. It keeps us from being overcome by a particular stress. But you can’t stay in defense forever, can you?

Defense leads to exhaustion.

This is not a good place to be.

Peter Lind

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Raw Food Health

Food is one of the big types of stress. Major improvements in your nutritional health are found in a raw food diet. The following is a list of to do's:

Eat raw food at least once a day, preferably every meal.

A raw food is something that grows in the ground, without being sprayed or tainted with.

Drink more water.

Don’t drink cola or milk.

Drink fifteen minutes before meals or an hour after meals, not with meals.

Avoid fluoridated toothpaste and chlorinated water.

Whatever you put on your skin (lotions, perfumes, deodorants…) are absorbed into your body. Don’t put anything on your skin you wouldn’t eat.

Get the mercury out of your mouth! Silver fillings your dentist put in years ago.

Don’t eat sugar! Cookies, candies, cakes, ice cream, fudge, brownies… you know.

Don’t eat Bread, Rice, Pasta and Potatoes. They are sugar.

Eat meals of small amounts of proteins with lots of vegetables (beef, fish, chicken, turkey, pork, eggs…)

Eat Fruit in between meals not with meals.

Don’t eat white, processed junk that comes from a box, can or package.

Avoid polyunsaturated oils and do not eat margarine! These are liquid plastic.

Canola oil is made from genetically engineered soybeans. It is also liquid plastic. Don't eat it.

Allergens: Avoid wheat, dairy and soy.

Soy is genetically engineered, does not digest readily in the body, and is estrogenic (causes high levels of estrogen).

Digestion: Be careful about eating seeds, nuts, popcorn (don’t eat popcorn), spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol (not more than two drinks and not two days in a row) and chocolate.

Don’t eat sugar!

Peter Lind

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Effects of stress on the body

Now for the positive effects of stress.

Sometimes, maybe most of the time we think and dwell on the negative effects of stress so much that the concept overwhelms us.

There is another side. The positive effects of stress like when there is a sudden crisis, allows us to do unusual and oftentimes very creative things we wouldn’t normally do.

But it’s really the same side of the coin. Reacting to positive stress or negative stress is the same thing. It’s all about reacting! And reacting is a process of learning, and developing. It also has a great deal to do with your reserves: how your mind and body can stand up to the stresses, both the positive and the negative.

What about other people’s stresses? Have you noticed them? Many of us are so absorbed in our own problems that we don’t notice other people’s problems. Just for kicks, why not turn your attention outward and notice that other people have the same problems the same as you. What are they doing different? How are they dealing with things?

If what someone else is doing is working, learn and use what they’re doing for yourself. What kinds of qualities in others do you admire: confidence, peace of mind, calmness, gentleness. Borrow them and use them to your advantage. They might not even be reacting to a stress. For them it may just as well be a positive stress. Who knows?

It’s all about reacting.

Peter Lind


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Genetic Engineering in Beer

If you don't know the massive problems about to invade our world you have not been informed. Genetic Engineering is a BIG effect of stress on the body Here you go in a brief article:

Anheuser-Busch using experimental genetically-engineered (GE) rice to brew Budweiser

Amsterdam, International - Greenpeace today released the results of analysis showing the presence of an untested experimental genetically-engineered strain of rice at a mill in Arkansas, in the United States, which is operated by Anheuser- Busch to brew its beer brand, Budweiser. An independent laboratory, commissioned by Greenpeace, detected the presence of GE rice (Bayer LL601) in three out of four samples taken at the mill.

The experimental GE rice is one of three rice varieties that were first found in 2006 to have contaminated rice stocks in the US. Since then, GE contamination has been found in approximately 30 per cent of US rice stocks. This has had a massive negative impact on the US rice industry as foreign markets, where GE rice has not been approved, have been closed to US rice.

"Anheuser-Busch must make a clear statement about the level of GE contamination of the rice used to brew Budweiser in the US and spell out what measures are in place to ensure this beer does not reach the company's export markets," said Doreen Stabinsky, Greenpeace International GE Campaigner.

Here is their link:


What's next?

Peter Lind

Stress and Mental Health

I just read an article about mental health and, well, here is a partial reprint:

What exactly is mental health? There is no official definition, says the World Health Organization (WHO).

So far, there is no clear separation between the mentally healthy and those who are not because cultural differences, subjective assessments and varying theories in psychology all affect what is “defined” as mental health.

According to the MMHA, mental health is the feeling of well-being, happiness, the ability to cope with life’s challenges, to accept others and most of all, to have a positive attitude towards oneself.

“Mental health means being psychologically and mentally healthy, and being able to function within our capabilities and abilities,” said Urmilah Dass, a clinical psychologist based in KL.

“There are many degrees of mental health. No single characteristic can be taken as evidence of good mental health and nobody has all the traits of good mental health all the time,” wrote the MMHA in their booklet, What is mental health?"

GREAT! The Experts can't define mental health! If you can't define it how can you do anything about it?

Peter Lind


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Stress Affect Your Overall Health

There are many kinds of stress that affect the body in many quite different ways. It's all a matter of how a person deals with the stress.

For one it may be a minor outbreak of a cold or flu as it deals with a bacteria. For another the stress may turn into a moderate disease process. For another, the moderate disease may turn into a chronic even degenerative disease.

I know there are underlying genetic predispositions. But how do these genetic influences begin? They begin with some kind of stress: physical, chemical, or emotional.

To take care of health is to take care of the stress in our lives.

Peter Lind


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Spinach Recall--a Type of Stress?

Five deaths, one year later...what really happened?

The FDA was called in for safety on an organic food.

Let's see...VIOXX, CELEBREX, DEXTRA--all causing thousands of deaths for years before these potent drugs were taken off the market. How can that be?

One thing history shows is that the government is not responsible for health. They may control certain measures but if we are compairing these potent drugs to organic spinach, there is no rationality in their decisions.

Take a new look at the spinach debacle. My theory on the outbreak of E. coli, a bacteria, in the organic spinach issue lies more in the ill-health of the host--you and me--than in the bacteria. There are millions of bacteria around us all the time. Millions of bacteria live inside your gut. Well, there's supposed to be.

What isn't normal and a prime suspect in the case is the absence of live, friendly bacteria that are supposed to help break down food and a number of other important metabolic processes.

Instead, we have become the nation of ANTIBIOTICS. Medical health care has been on a rampage of prescribing antibiotics...for everything...killing all good, bad, and ugly bacteria. Antiboitics are now being found in many waterways and even the oceans. We are left being susceptible to even the harmless bacteria that overwhelmes the body and in the case of the organic spinach, causes death.

It isn't the organic spinach. This will not be the last case.

There will be a revenge of the antibiotic resistant strains.

The sad reality may be the government's insistance on PASTURIZING food. Killing the enzymes and neutralizing the nutrients in food. This process will not allow bacteria to grow but will be more harmful to the natural food cycle.

This is certainly a nutritional effect of stress.

Heaven help us!

Peter Lind