Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Spinach Recall--a Type of Stress?

Five deaths, one year later...what really happened?

The FDA was called in for safety on an organic food.

Let's see...VIOXX, CELEBREX, DEXTRA--all causing thousands of deaths for years before these potent drugs were taken off the market. How can that be?

One thing history shows is that the government is not responsible for health. They may control certain measures but if we are compairing these potent drugs to organic spinach, there is no rationality in their decisions.

Take a new look at the spinach debacle. My theory on the outbreak of E. coli, a bacteria, in the organic spinach issue lies more in the ill-health of the host--you and me--than in the bacteria. There are millions of bacteria around us all the time. Millions of bacteria live inside your gut. Well, there's supposed to be.

What isn't normal and a prime suspect in the case is the absence of live, friendly bacteria that are supposed to help break down food and a number of other important metabolic processes.

Instead, we have become the nation of ANTIBIOTICS. Medical health care has been on a rampage of prescribing antibiotics...for everything...killing all good, bad, and ugly bacteria. Antiboitics are now being found in many waterways and even the oceans. We are left being susceptible to even the harmless bacteria that overwhelmes the body and in the case of the organic spinach, causes death.

It isn't the organic spinach. This will not be the last case.

There will be a revenge of the antibiotic resistant strains.

The sad reality may be the government's insistance on PASTURIZING food. Killing the enzymes and neutralizing the nutrients in food. This process will not allow bacteria to grow but will be more harmful to the natural food cycle.

This is certainly a nutritional effect of stress.

Heaven help us!

Peter Lind

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