Thursday, September 27, 2007

Stress Types

There are three looming types of stress on the body.

The most common, the one most people think about is physical stress. Physical stress begins with gravity--it's all pressing down, all the time. Physical stress affects muscles, bones, joints, and to a degree, the internal organs. One way to combat physical stress is to #1 Avoid heavy amounts of it, or #2 Build up your body by doing the correct exercise program for your body type. These will combat the physical affects of stress.

The second type of stress on the body is chemical or nutritional stress. This comes in all forms of ingesting: food, water, air. When these become over-powering, the body has to adjust to the assaults. Tissues and systems break down and succumb to the stress of chemical/nutrition stress. Same as physical stress there are two ways to deal with it. #1 Stop ingesting the harmful food/water/air and #2 Build up the body with good food/water/air and important for our day and age...take appropriate nutrional supplementation.

The third type of stress on the body is...emotional. This comes in all shapes and sizes. It begins early in life and for a lot of people, remains. Then it is compounded by more and more types of emotional stress. After awhile we get good at burying it hoping it will go away. It doesn't. Emotional stress drives our physical engine. Again, like the other two stresses, #1 Stop the emotional onslaught and #2 Find a way to remove the unwanted/unhealthy emotional baggage.

Sounds easy...takes a lifetime.

Peter Lind

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