Monday, September 10, 2007

Kinds of Stress

There are three types of stress. Physical, dealing with the structure and maintenance of the frame of the body. Nutritional, dealing with the physiology of the systems of the body. And the biggy, Emotional, dealing with the mental state.

When you talk about stress, just what do you mean? These three are all different and take specific responses to overcome them and balance the body.

Most of us think stress is emotional. I think it is but if we're going to conquer stress we need to be specific and describe what it is we're really talking about. Sometimes we take a nutritional or chemical stimulant to deal with an emotional issue. How effective is that? This is what we're dealing with in our drug-laden medical system. It is drug dependant.

If we're ever going to gain back our health we're going to have to address each stress appropriately.

This is why we are here.

Peter Lind

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