Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Raw Food Health

Food is one of the big types of stress. Major improvements in your nutritional health are found in a raw food diet. The following is a list of to do's:

Eat raw food at least once a day, preferably every meal.

A raw food is something that grows in the ground, without being sprayed or tainted with.

Drink more water.

Don’t drink cola or milk.

Drink fifteen minutes before meals or an hour after meals, not with meals.

Avoid fluoridated toothpaste and chlorinated water.

Whatever you put on your skin (lotions, perfumes, deodorants…) are absorbed into your body. Don’t put anything on your skin you wouldn’t eat.

Get the mercury out of your mouth! Silver fillings your dentist put in years ago.

Don’t eat sugar! Cookies, candies, cakes, ice cream, fudge, brownies… you know.

Don’t eat Bread, Rice, Pasta and Potatoes. They are sugar.

Eat meals of small amounts of proteins with lots of vegetables (beef, fish, chicken, turkey, pork, eggs…)

Eat Fruit in between meals not with meals.

Don’t eat white, processed junk that comes from a box, can or package.

Avoid polyunsaturated oils and do not eat margarine! These are liquid plastic.

Canola oil is made from genetically engineered soybeans. It is also liquid plastic. Don't eat it.

Allergens: Avoid wheat, dairy and soy.

Soy is genetically engineered, does not digest readily in the body, and is estrogenic (causes high levels of estrogen).

Digestion: Be careful about eating seeds, nuts, popcorn (don’t eat popcorn), spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol (not more than two drinks and not two days in a row) and chocolate.

Don’t eat sugar!

Peter Lind

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