Saturday, October 13, 2007

Effects of stress on the body

Now for the positive effects of stress.

Sometimes, maybe most of the time we think and dwell on the negative effects of stress so much that the concept overwhelms us.

There is another side. The positive effects of stress like when there is a sudden crisis, allows us to do unusual and oftentimes very creative things we wouldn’t normally do.

But it’s really the same side of the coin. Reacting to positive stress or negative stress is the same thing. It’s all about reacting! And reacting is a process of learning, and developing. It also has a great deal to do with your reserves: how your mind and body can stand up to the stresses, both the positive and the negative.

What about other people’s stresses? Have you noticed them? Many of us are so absorbed in our own problems that we don’t notice other people’s problems. Just for kicks, why not turn your attention outward and notice that other people have the same problems the same as you. What are they doing different? How are they dealing with things?

If what someone else is doing is working, learn and use what they’re doing for yourself. What kinds of qualities in others do you admire: confidence, peace of mind, calmness, gentleness. Borrow them and use them to your advantage. They might not even be reacting to a stress. For them it may just as well be a positive stress. Who knows?

It’s all about reacting.

Peter Lind

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